Color arrangement and wall color

Pastel Yellow - Summertime
Hurray, Summer is Back! Pastel yellow brings summerly cheer into your home. Keep your team colleagues in good spirits by combining grey with pastel yellow in the office. A good mood will inspire your staff’s creativity and put them on the path to success.

Pink - A little Springtime
Pink is the color of love, caring and empathy. A wisp of pink adds lightness and a sense of security to your living space. Welcome the freshness of spring into your home with pastel pink. Or invite a pleasant warmth with dusky pink. Delve into the world with rose-tinted lenses!

Blue - The blue Hour
In photography, "the blue hour" refers to that space in time between sunset and twilight. Photos taken during the blue hour let the sky appear in a wonderfully bold blue, a color with a very calming, soothing effect on us.

Interiors with Pastel Tones
Pastel yellow, pastel green, pastel blue or pink – it all sounds rather sweet. But when these soft colors are combined with distinct and edgy forms, even enthusiasts of purism will be delighted. Pastel hues, after all, can be mixed with very cool hues to balance their sweetness.

Pastel Green - Mint Green
Pastel green – or mint green/spearmint – brings natural lightness to your living spaces and creates a wonderful, unobtrusive connection to nature. A touch of magic takes possession of your home – even though mint green is actually a cool pastel hue.

The Lightness of Sky Blue
Spring is knocking at the door and awakens the yearning for a light seasonal touch. Strip off your heavy winter jacket and plunge headlong into spring – while bringing a breath of fresh air into your living room. Sky blue – or pastel blue – is the perfect way to launch into the new season.

Delve into the World of Colors
The effect that colors have on a person’s well-being is vast. On the one hand, colors directly affect the psyche. On the other hand, they also influence us indirectly through the room atmosphere. Every color has a different psychological effect and conveys a different mood.

Purple - Lilac and Lavender
Mystical sunsets, delicately blossoming lilac and aromatic fields of lavender. Tyrian purple – also known as "imperial purple" – is a dye that is elaborately manufactured from secretions produced by snails of the Muricidae family. Greatly prized in antiquity, this pigment also holds a special place in nature.

Red – The Color of Energy
A targeted use of red activates our vitality. No other color is as sensual, warm and bursting with energy. A red accent wall in the living room, dining room or bedroom creates a focal point and defines the room. Let yourself be whisked away into the world of red and its powerful effect.

Green - Nature - Pur
Green is the color of renewal, rebirth, growth and inner peace. Green meadows, forests and fresh fields symbolize fertility, wealth and success. A four-leaf clover is a good luck charm. Bring good luck into your living environment and take advantage of the power of green.

Orange - Flower - Power
Orange represents vital energy and activity. The warmth of this color invariably lifts the mood: Orange is the color of joy and sociability. It emphasizes a sense of security, comfort and emotional warmth. Orange also symbolizes flower power and the hippy era of the 60s and 70s.

Teal - The Color of Autumn
Teal conjures up a touch of elegance in your living environment. Whether teal-green or teal-blue, the effect of this trendy color is always classy and intense. Teal can be combined nicely with grey, yellow, red, green, white or black. The effect of a saturated petrol hue is cozy and soothing.

Yellow - Sommer - Sun
Bring summer into your home! Yellow is associated with warmth and optimism; it radiates positive energy. Yellow hues range from the rich, saturated yellow of meadow flowers to earthy and saffron tones. And – along the way – there’s also gold, orange and apricot.

Orchid - Magenta
The vividness and friendliness of an orchid’s tropical blossoms will enchant your living space. You’ll find the sunny side of life wherever orchids bloom. Merriment and high-spirits are bound to enrich your life and give you happy hours with friends.

Turquoise Ocean - feeling
A bright color that evokes dreamy Mediterranean aesthetics. Turquoise walls are reminiscent of the sea and imbue a room with a pleasant freshness. Combined with blue, true oases of well-being can be come by. Turquoise with white accessories, white skirting boards, door frames and window frames invites a light sea breeze into your home.