Schönes Esszimmer anthrazit Highboard mit eleganten Pendelleuchten / Long table nice lamps

Moving Support Package

Costs for getting moving support
4.950 €

Put the entire organization of your household move into the capable hands of Dagmar Hankeln Raumdesign Berlin if you value convenience and smooth execution. You can, however, also book my services if you just need ideas and some support but prefer to handle the move yourself. With the help of professional movers, I offer comprehensive house moving services that include transport, packing and unpacking as well as taking down and setting up your furniture. In the meantime, you can just sit back and relax. Are you looking for someone you can trust completely? Someone who will handle most of the details that a household move entails so you can enjoy a stress-free transition?

In the run-up to the move,
I will be on hand to help you let go and weed out

Long before you move, you need to muster the courage to let go of unnecessary ballast – give away the things you no longer need. This creates space for new possibilities. Indeed, a move is the perfect opportunity for creating more space. Use this change in your life to create new momentum and turn your new home into an oasis of well-being – a place where you can recharge your batteries and withdraw from the daily grind.

We can jointly decide which things you can – and would like to – part from. We’ll then figure out which of these items can be sold privately or donated. The sooner you get started, the lighter your moving boxes will be – and the more space you will create for more joie de vivre and lightness in your new home.
At the same time, if you so choose, I can offer interior design advice and help you come up with a color scheme for your new flat. Contacting me about your move with plenty of advance notice will greatly facilitate and de-stress relocation execution in accordance with your needs.

Find more information and project-pictures, link to Relocation Service.

Your benefits

  • New flat – new love – new happiness
  • More time for your career, your family and your social obligations
  • Fresh color for your new home
  • Letting go creates new open spaces
  • A sense of harmony and vitality sets in thanks to fewer unneeded things and clutter
  • Less is more – embrace minimalism for your new home – it creates a wonderful sense of freedom

When is moving support a good idea?

  • Ca. 3-4 months prior to the move – preferably even earlier
  • When it’s difficult for you to part from old things
  • When you need to let go of things before you move
  • When you want more space and freedom
  • When you are reluctant to face a mountain of work
  • When you can’t decide where to start
  • When you don’t have the imagination to visualize the placement of furniture in your new flat
  • When you want a non-stressful, relaxed moving experience
  • When you wish to have someone at your side that you can trust. Someone who will handle many of the organizational as well as physical work

Dagmar Hankeln, Portrait, Raumdesign Berlin

Good planning is half the battle – new flat – new happiness

Price: 4.950 € net plus external costs for transport. Estimated expenditure of time: ca. 9 days (depends on the size of your flat). Each additional day is charged at 550€ net

*Berlin. I charge 0.60 € per kilometer to and from project sites located outside of the Berliner Ring

Schedule an appointment


Overview of offers and packages

Living room shabby chick

Interior Design Consulting

Room layout / planning – room concept
1.650 €

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Color petrol, grey, black sidetable

Color Consulting

Wall color – wall paper
1.650 €

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Long table dining room highboard


New home - new castle
4.950 €

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Restaurant Jolesch Berlin wine cellar

Home Staging 1

Interior design concept
5.500 €

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Living room yellow USM Haller minimalism

Home Staging 2

Jointly executed interior design
7.700 €

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Home Staging III Full-Service / Turnkey interior design

Home Staging 3

Full-Service / Turnkey interior design
9.900 €

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